Attend the KairosCamp Institute

The week-long virtual KairosCamp institute offers scholars at any point in their careers in-depth consultation and guidance to help successfully move digital projects along their paths. Whether you’re in the ideation, proposal, or revision stages, I guide you through the processes and pain points relevant to your project and ready you for success!

The KairosCamp Institute may be for you if you’re…

  • thinking about starting a project but aren't sure how to envision it.

  • stuck imagining how your project can and should turn out.

  • unsure where to publish your digital media project.

  • interested in experimenting in your publishing and also want the work to “count.”

  • looking for an immersive week-long experience where you get time to work on your digital research project in a setting that is supportive and caring of your well-being.

“HECK YES! This workshop was truly transformative”!

— 2018 KairosCamp attendee

A Foundational Week for You & Your Work

What’s Covered

In 30 hours of instructional time over one week, some of the topics we discuss include

  • research questions for digital media production,

  • refining your project scope,

  • collecting or coding digital assets,

  • choosing sustainable technological infrastructure,

  • designing for your intended audience,

  • deciding where to publish,

  • peer review and hiring/T&P issues,

  • making your project accessible,

  • finding collaborative partners, and

  • creating a design-plan or proposal for continuing your work at home or submitting a fellowship, sabbatical, or grant application.

I help you tailor what you need to support your project, cutting out the dead weight that is holding you and your project back. KairosCamp Institute participants leave with a refined argument, a revised proposal, a work plan, and mock ups, as is relevant to your individual project. Your take-away is progress on your project and a manageable scholarly To Do List.

One Week to Easier Breathing…

Weekly Schedule

KairosCamp Institute is held five hours a day, via Zoom. This may sound like a LOT of video time, but you don’t have to be on video the whole time (or at all, if you don’t want). The schedule accommodates time away from the computer and self-care is encouraged.

Here’s what a typical KairosCamp Institute schedule looks like:

  • 10-12pm ET - Group session

  • 12-1:30pm ET - Lunch break on own (optional sessions on occasion)

  • 1:30-3:30pm ET - Group sessions/workshop

  • 3:30-4pm ET - Check-ins with small groups

Participants have daily milestones to accomplish each evening and time for socializing, so you leave the virtual camp with a community cohort that you can keep in touch with. A complete syllabus will be mailed to participants a week before the camp begins.

A Week Building Projects and Partnerships*…

*… yes, it’s true: Two previous KairosCamp Institute participants did meet at KCamp and marry each other! :D But by partnerships, we generally mean collaborations and friendships.

“I wish everyone could attend this event.”

— KairosCamp 2018 attendee


KairosCamp runs July 24–28, 2023. The cost is $2,200.

Registration is now closed.

KairosCamp Testimonials

Past attendees have published multiple articles and books about their KCamp projects, received National Humanities Center Fellowships, National Endowment for the Humanities digital project grants, and otehr national awards for their KCamp digital publications!

Over the summer I participated in Cheryl’s KairosCamp, and the advice I got from her about managing workloads and approaching my work as a teacher, researcher, and admin has changed my work life. Things are still hard, but her suggestions for structuring projects and work = [praying hands emoji]

– Heather Lang, 2022 KairosCamp Institute attendee

  • quote marks from the Noun Project CC BY pictohaven

    “KairosCamp has been great for conceptualizing and contextualizing DH projects so we can talk about them more productively with colleagues, grant committees, and just actually get them done. Worth every minute.”

  • Testimonial by Vectors Point from

    “Computer camp for grown-ups? An opportunity to have a super-productive work retreat surrounded by a robust network of support (conceptual, technical, emotional, etc.).”

  • Testimonial by Vectors Point from

    “The real-time feedback and collaboration is invaluable, and provides a jumpstart on putting together your best work right from the start.”

  • Testimonials by David Khai from

    “KairosCamp provided a focused, productive space to develop a digital scholarly publication and taught me many of the publishing best practices that I need to know in order to create digital scholarship.”

“A great workshop for digital scholars with an excellent combination of instruction and lab time for developing your project. Apply as soon as you can.”

— 2017 KairosCamp attendee

Some testimonials were gathered through anonymous course evaluations. If you know someone who attended, ask them about their experience, or ask me to put you in touch with previous attendees.