a campfire inside a steel ring

Camp Cheryl

…where you light a fire under a project you love!

How many projects have you said:

  • “If only I had time”

  • “If only I had money”

  • “If only grading didn’t take so much effort”

  • “If only I had less service work”

  • "If only I knew who to collaborate with”

  • “If only I knew how to get this project started”

Camp Cheryl helps you create the time, space, and workplans for that project you love but haven’t been able to start (or finish).

12 weeks to your dream project!

Daily accountability and plan management for YOUR project.

Join the waitlist for the next cohort!

Landscape with clouds and a rainbow

How Camp Cheryl Works

  • Cat covered in play strings

    Lighthearted Approach

    Using Camp Cheryl techniques, I’ll help you turn your project from messy to well-crafted!

  • Cat in a box

    Small Cohorts

    Small cohorts to spend time with your project and help you out of that box

  • cat looking through porch railings

    Daily Help

    Help is never more than a day away to get you unstuck

  • cat looking at a lit cellphone

    Office Hours

    Weekly one-hour Zoom meetings with me and your cohort to ask questions and get feedback

  • Cat staring at you from a scratch lounger, with a railroad train tressle lithograph behind him


    Weekly check-ins to keep you on track, with MUCH more love than this grumpy cat is giving.

  • Cat sitting on a laptop

    Study Hall

    Bi-weekly, quiet co-working time to advance your project [optional, included]

  • Cat peeking over a laptop

    Personal Check-ins

    Two 1:1 calls with Cheryl to ensure your project meets your needs and desires

  • Cheryl carrying Beau, her orange cat

    Help to Carry You Through

    I am here to provide caring, professional help to get your project started or re-invented.

A middle-aged woman (Cheryl) with short blonde hair is wearing glasses and smiling. She wears a striped shirt and is holding a yellow plate with the words and image that says Happy Camper. Trees are in the background.

Why Camp Cheryl?

In my 25 years in academia, I’ve witnessed countless people struggle to balance teaching–service–research, often with research coming in as the lowest priority, even when that’s the work that brought many of us into higher education to begin with.

For decades, I’ve been teaching scholars and editors how to prepare their academic projects within scope, time, teaching, and life, and they all have the same fundamental question:

How do I work on a project I love and still do the required bits of my job and not start to hate everything and everyone?!

Camp Cheryl is my solution to this problem—and I use everything I’ve learned in helping scholars, students, editors, publishers, and friends get shit done while maintaining (or building) a healthy work–life balance.

Is Camp Cheryl Right for Me?!

  • What have you got in mind? I’ve helped authors complete articles, scholarly books, trade books, textbooks, book proposals, digital humanities projects, webtexts, journal start-ups, journal re-vamps, edited collections and other editorial projects, bibliographies, dissertation proposals, grant proposals, fellowship proposals, grant revisions, symposia, conferences, workshops, think-tanks… What else you got? If you have a project idea you want to run by me to see if I can help, schedule a call with me!

  • Applications to Camp Cheryl include a brief introductory phone call with Cheryl to assess your project type and determine whether I can help you. This way, we know from the outset that we are on track to help!

    All you need to do is schedule a discovery call with Cheryl prior to the start of Camp Cheryl.

  • Camp Cheryl is for academics or reformed academics who have a love-project that they haven’t been able to work on. They might be from any stage in their career, though most often they are advanced scholars who have been bogged down with administrivia and other service work and desperately want time to focus on their own projects.

    Not an academic? Let’s talk and see if I can still help with your project!

    Camp Cheryl is an inclusive environment that welcomes multi-marginalized folx and is ready to help everyone who wants help to achieve their project goals.

  • Camp Cheryl hosts weekly one-hour Zoom meetings with its cohort. It’s expected that participants attend as many as they can (meetings are recorded for internal playback).

    Be ready to carve at least 2-3 hours a week to complete assignments specific to your project. Study halls are optional Zooms scheduled for quiet/individual work time.

    You will get out what you put into Camp Cheryl, as with any course or seminar. I’m here to guide you, suggest project plans based on my years of experience, and help you get unstuck.

  • Camp Cheryl is not a good fit for individuals who:

    • don't have an existing project idea they really want to work on

    • aren’t sure they want to put in the time

    • aren’t ready to examine where they may be hindering themselves in their personal and professional lives

    • aren’t interested in shedding what isn’t working in their lives to focus on what they WANT to work on

    • are unwilling to try new things that may push them out of their comfort zone

    • would rather talk than listen a majority of the time

    • are not interested in fully showing up, asking questions, and being your own best advocate

    • are critical or cynical towards non-traditional productivity methods

    • aren’t learning to be as inclusive as possible with others in our daily lives

    If some of these items scare you, or make you second-guess yourself, my guess is YOU’RE READY for Camp Cheryl. If you still aren’t sure, schedule a call with me so we can talk it through.

  • Camp Cheryl runs for 12 weeks during the academic school year. Check the website for opening dates of each cohort. Once you sign up, specific dates/times will be coordinated among the cohort, to the best of our ability, though generally, Mondays and Tuesdays work best for synchronous meetings (especially as holidays and weekend travel arise more often later in the calendar).

    Camp Cheryl includes all training, 1:1s, cohort meetings, and access to collaborative workspaces. The inaugural Camp Cheryl was $2,500 per person for that limited offering. Future workshop costs tbd.